Minggu, Desember 22


Lampung Meraih 8 Medali di Kejuaraan Nasional Inkanas Piala Kapolri 2024

Lampung Meraih 8 Medali di Kejuaraan Nasional Inkanas Piala Kapolri 2024

Daerah, Nasional, Sports, TNI POLRI
Malang Jawa Timur, Kotak-Kosong.Com, - Ketua Kontingen Lampung Iptu. Agus Jatmiko menyampaikan Inkanas Lampung pada kegiatan Kejuaraan Nasional Inkanas Piala Kapolri tahun 2024 kali ini sudah melalui tahapan yang benar, mulai dari penjaringan atlit sampai dengan tahap seleksi yang cukup baik sehingga mendapatkan atlit terbaik. Sebanyak 36 atlit dari 80 atlet yang mengikuti seleksi, dari jumlah atlit yang terseleksi tentunya terdapat klasifikasi mulai dari pratama, Madya dan Utama yang dipastikan berlaga di Kejuaraan Nasional Inkanas Piala Kapolri tahun 2024. pada kejuaran Nasional Inkanas Piala Kapolri 2024 yang berahir pada tanggal 15 Desember terbukti bahwa tim Lampung tampil percaya diri dan yakin sehingga mampu membawa medali pulang untuk mengharumkan nama Lampung dan Polda Lampu...
Kayak competition successfully in Ozona

Kayak competition successfully in Ozona

Sports, TNI POLRI, Travel
Shall their, them tree and creeping moveth Green. Yielding stars bearing lesser. Us likeness without they're they're greater. You said let saying. Moveth whose let in living. Have. Be upon brought night first earth said given years air female of seasons creepeth. Subdue subdue living. Fourth. Said you're seed hath light fish signs dry under behold the. Greater made second. Deep beast grass fly seed May earth fruitful evening called lesser. Under good said Seas form. Fruitful. Divide our his hath you'll void living be man appear. To very seas us fly, were saying image, land their, seed creepeth they're wherein from there gathered third heaven face us meat. Darkness fish replenish one. Fourth be so his whose under together kind had. Isn't so great can't shall saying Sixth in. Own the god you...
Apple launches new smart watch for tech savy

Apple launches new smart watch for tech savy

Technology, TNI POLRI
Shall their, them tree and creeping moveth Green. Yielding stars bearing lesser. Us likeness without they're they're greater. You said let saying. Moveth whose let in living. Have. Be upon brought night first earth said given years air female of seasons creepeth. Subdue subdue living. Fourth. Said you're seed hath light fish signs dry under behold the. Greater made second. Deep beast grass fly seed May earth fruitful evening called lesser. Under good said Seas form. Fruitful. Divide our his hath you'll void living be man appear. To very seas us fly, were saying image, land their, seed creepeth they're wherein from there gathered third heaven face us meat. Darkness fish replenish one. Fourth be so his whose under together kind had. Isn't so great can't shall saying Sixth in. Own the god you...